Questions d'un Journaliste Americain

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Bernardo Gui -  2006-10-17 20:31:55

Questions d'un Journaliste Americain

Bonsoir Monsieur l'Abbe!

En premier lieu, felicitations avec le succes dans la creation de l'Institut! Nous prions, ici aux Etats-Unis, que Saint-Michel protege votre oeuvre et mission.

Voici quelques questions d'un ami fidele catholique americain, Monsieur Brian Mershon, qui travail comme journaliste pour des reseaux d'actualites, et aussi le journal The Wanderer. Il, et beaucoup, beaucoup de Catholiques Americains, sont tres interesses dans votre apostolat et votre succes providentiel avec le Saint-Siege.

Voici les questions. Vous etes invites a repondre soit en Francais ou l'Anglais.

1. How has the Abbe found his reception from other French priests and bishops?

2. What specific confessions regarding Vatican II documents were he and his fellow priests required to make?

3. Is the Institute of Good Shepherd an experiment in the sense of Campos (Apostolic Administration) as an example to show the SSPX that Tradition can live fully and completely within the Church?

4. What details regarding the motu proprio freeing the Mass of All Ages can he share with us?

5. Is this document going to be as controversial as many portray it to be? Is there truly a war of sorts going on in the Vatican?

6. How will this document and anything else that might come out potentially affect relationships with the SSPX leadership?

7. What specific requirements does the Institute of Good Shepherd have regarding its understanding of religious liberty, ecumenism and inter-religious dialogue, particularly as expressed in the Second Vatican Council documents?

8. Is the Institute of Good Shepherd open to potential seminarians from the United States as long as they speak French?

9. Looking into the future 5 years from now, how do you see the landscape in the Church particularly for those laity attached to Tradition?

10. Is the Vatican springing a trap on traditionalists, particularly the SSPX and its lay adherents, or are they really interested in having Tradition fluourish freely withint the Church?

11. What advice do you care to give to U.S. lay Catholics attached to Tradition? Many have grown impatient over the years due to rumors of documents freeing the Mass? Do you believe it is going to truly come to pass soon?

12. What role have Archbishop Ranjith, Cardinal Castrillon and Cardinal Medina played in reconciling traditionalist priests?

Avec mes remerciements, et salutations respectueuses dans le Seigneur,

Votre devoue,
B. Gui